
What sets fit9 Apart

At FIT9, we prioritize sleep as a core component of health and wellness. By leveraging the cutting-edge science of sleep peptides, we work to optimize rest and recovery for our clients. Our individualized approach sets us apart, as we firmly believe in tailoring our strategies to each unique person and their specific sleep needs.

How to get STarted

Getting started with FIT9 is simple. First, we conduct a comprehensive consultation to assess your sleep patterns and challenges. Then, our expert team develops a custom plan incorporating sleep peptides, designed to enhance sleep quality and duration. Your progress is monitored and adjustments are made as necessary to ensure optimal results.

Peptides for sleep

Sleep peptides are a revolutionary tool in promoting better sleep. These small proteins work by regulating your body’s natural sleep-wake cycles, helping you to fall asleep faster, stay asleep longer, and wake feeling refreshed. At FIT9, we utilize sleep peptides such as DSIP (Delta Sleep Inducing Peptide) and Ipamorelin, proven to significantly improve sleep quality.


Please remember that the use of sleep peptides should be strictly in accordance with the instructions provided by FIT9. Misuse or overuse can lead to unwanted side effects and may not yield the desired results. It’s highly recommended to only take sleep peptides as prescribed by our FIT9 experts, who understand your unique sleep needs and have developed a tailored plan for you. Never self-adjust the dosage or usage frequency without consulting with our team. This advice is for your safety and to ensure the most effective use of sleep peptides for enhancing your sleep quality.


Please remember that the use of CJC-1295 should only be under the guidance of FIT9 professionals. Improper usage or over-consumption could lead to undesirable side effects. Always adhere to the usage directions given by our FIT9 experts, who understand your unique sleep requirements and have crafted a personalized plan for you. Do not adjust the dosage or frequency of use without first discussing it with our team. This caution is for your safety and to ensure the most effective use of CJC-1295 for improving your sleep quality.


What is CJC-1295

CJC-1295 is a synthetic growth hormone-releasing peptide that stimulates the pituitary gland. This peptide is primarily utilized to enhance plasma growth hormone levels and may indirectly improve sleep cycles.

What CJC-1295 Does

By stimulating growth hormone release, CJC-1295 plays a significant role in promoting deep, restorative sleep. It works by adjusting the body’s internal clock, thus potentially enhancing the overall quality of sleep.

Key Benefits of CJC-1295

CJC-1295 provides numerous benefits, including improved sleep quality and potentially enhanced muscle growth and fat loss. By promoting steady growth hormone secretion, it can lead to a more restful and rejuvenating sleep.

Getting Started

Before incorporating CJC-1295 into your regimen, consult with our team of FIT9 professionals. We’ll guide you through the process, ensuring safe usage and maximum sleep benefits.


What is DSIP

DSIP, or Delta Sleep Inducing Peptide, is a neuropeptide that interacts with the brain’s sleep regulation center. It’s primarily utilized to enhance natural sleep patterns and improve overall sleep quality.

What DSIP Does

DSIP functions by influencing the brain’s sleep-wake cycle, fostering a more regular and restful sleep pattern. It can be particularly beneficial for those struggling with sleep disorders or irregular sleep patterns.

Key Benefits of DSIP

DSIP offers numerous benefits, including improved sleep quality, reduced stress levels, and boosted immune system function. By promoting healthier sleep cycles, it can help individuals wake up feeling more refreshed and energized.

Getting Started

Before starting a DSIP regimen, it’s essential to consult with our FIT9 professionals. We provide expert guidance to ensure the safe and effective use of DSIP, tailoring your dosage to your unique sleep needs.


The use of DSIP (Delta Sleep Inducing Peptide) should strictly be in line with the instructions provided by FIT9. Misuse or overuse may result in unwanted side effects and may not yield the expected results. Always follow the DSIP usage instructions as prescribed by our FIT9 professionals, who are familiar with your unique sleep needs and have developed a personalized plan accordingly. It’s strongly advised not to alter the dosage or usage frequency without consulting our team. This warning is to ensure your safety and the optimal effectiveness of DSIP in enhancing your sleep quality.


How to get started


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